Monday, April 21, 2008

Wine tasting at our house, what fun!

Ok, so I’ve worked out today and ran three miles in the morning so if this doesn’t make that much sense it’s because I’m tired. This being healthy can really get to you.

We had a lovely party on Saturday night. We invited ten people to come over to our house for nibbles and a wine tasting. We decided since we had brought back some great wines from South Africa that we would have said wine tasting and invite some of our more mature, wine loving friends over to taste a couple of our bottles. Because we’re not too far gone in the smarts department we requested that our friends bring over a nice bottle of wine with a catch, there had to be a story to go with it.

We ended up with 14 bottle of wine for twelve people. The stories ranged from “I used to drink this with a girl friend who was a writer. She put me in her novel she was writing while we dated but unfortunately we ended up breaking up so in the book I die.” (Decent white wine with that story) to our friend SIP who is very interesting individual herself. She grew up in Iran but has lived here for a good long time. She owns a wine store and carries all kind of fabulous wines. She has one wine called SIP. Turns out that when she was a little girl she had smuggled some grape buds from Iran to California (It might have been France) and it might have been the other way around. It was getting fuzzy by that point. Anyway SIP now has ninety acres of grapes planted somewhere that she had smuggled in from somewhere else and now has a wine named after her. Cool huh? One of our other friends brought over some desert wines that actually where created from grapes from their vineyard. Now that is neat.

Names have been changed above to protect the innocent, errr, well, maybe not innocent but definitely so they can’t be identified from this blog.

We had a hard time at the beginning of the tasting squeezing out twelve tasting glasses of wine for everyone but we did it. By the time we got to the 10th bottle we had wine left over in the bottles. Seems that everyone just wanted smaller and smaller tastes as the night went on. After the tasting we ended up going to the roof deck drinking more wine and sat there until about 1:30 in the morning. I was a little bit worried about two of our friends who stayed till the last. They drove home and we really don’t think they should have, we had them call us when they got home so we could sleep that night knowing they were ok.

We got up the next day and didn’t feel all that horrible. I believe that a wine hangover is so much less damaging then a vodka one. In fact we felt good enough to go work out for two hours in the afternoon. At the end of the workout we just looked at each other amazed that we had done it. After that we meet up with some friends to see their house “project”. (More of a nightmare really) They purchased this house three years ago and slowly found out that the whole thing needed to be torn out and built out from the ground up.

Could you imagine?

They had to take out all of the innards. All the way down to the ground. The brick is so old that they can’t put in support beams so they had to go under and create footings in the basement in which to attach the main floor. Pretty much everything is brand new in the interior and only the shell is original but it will need some work too before they’re done. Supposedly it will be finished sometime in mid-summer but it was hard to see with only the skeleton of the rooms up at this point. I wish them luck.

We then went to another friend’s house for wine and then went to Duplex dinner for dinner. And shock of all shocks, home and to bed before 10. This is why I was able to get up and run this morning and why I’m tired right now too.

The next big event is taking Dave to the airport on Thursday for our London trip. I’ll be joining him the next week.

Merry ole England here we come!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

If you find my motivation, could you email it to me?

Boy oh boy oh boy has it been hard to get motivated this week. I’m really not sure what it is but all I want to do is sleep and stare outside. Could it be that I’ve got spring fever? Haven’t had that since I was in high school I don’t think.

I’m supposed to run this week but I just can’t get my ass out of bed. So, I’ve been doing 30 minutes on the elliptical at the gym at work instead. I have gotten much done considering that I don’t have any motivation. I’ve moved servers over to our new virtual server scheme over the weekend. That worked but stressed me to no end. I worked the last two weekends doing this. Maybe working so much has to do with the motivation problem I’m having.

Tonight we have two friends coming over for dinner. That will be fun and may get me out of my funk. Thursday we have something going on that for the life of me I can’t remember but I think it’ll be fun. Friday we’re talking about staying in because on Saturday we’re having a little get together wine tasting at the house for around 11 people.

The next thing you know Dave is going to England and it’ll be the end of the month. Boy things go fast when you get older.

Did I tell you I’m having a motivation problem? We it just kicked in and it’s hard for me to write any more.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Dentist, and why you should fear them!

So back to the story of the co-worker and the dentist. This kid I work with had just one bad tooth that had been extracted awhile back, it was causing the teeth on each side and the one above to start shifting. The only way to stop this from happening was to put a metal post in the spot of the missing tooth and put a fake tooth there. Simple enough right? Well the procedure all ended in the emergency room with a large amount of blood lost.


Seems that the dentist drilled a little too far into the bone in his lower jaw, so far in fact when he went through it and into the soft tissue, ie the vein. Blood come spurting out. My co-worker is out on the drugs but gets up in the chair and spits the blood out of the back of his mouth onto the dentist. Now this dentist is the one other dentist go to when they have a “bleeder” but he can’t stop the bleeding and has to call 911. Co-worker goes to emergency room where they finally get the bleeding under control. They keep him for the day, I get a call from his girl friend telling me what’s going on.

The amazing thing is he’s worried because he will be missing working for a day or two. I’m happy that he’s just alive. Crazy work ethic, right?

So after all of this, because it’s considered cosmetic he has to pay out of pocket, he gets all of the 3k he spent on it refunded and it’s being done for free. Which it should be because he could sue for malpractice really. Now they’re waiting for it to heal and the bone to grow back before they try again in about 6 months.

Fun, right?

Well it’s Monday morning after a good weekend.

We have the Mum and Dad in from England so we’ve been spending time with them. On Friday we went out to Virginia to pick them up for a dinner at our friends house that evening. We had a lovely time but I had to work that evening, which really sucked. On Saturday I had to work in the morning and then we worked out. We wanted to get all this done before we went to our niece’s second birthday party. It was fun and she’s great but I had something that I had done at work the night before not work and ended up having to go out to Ashburn to restart a server.

I was not happy about that.

We got back to the house around 9ish and then went out to JR’s until about 2am, which we needed after all the family time. While we were there we mentioned that we might have brunch the next day. Well we did, it was fun but I was in bed by 8. Not sure Dave enjoyed himself though, seems he just wasn’t in the mood.

At work now and not feeling too bad, lots of water and coffee. Not working out today though, I will run in the morning tomorrow and do chest and back at lunch. Get back into the swing of things.